A video of Kobe Collection. Bisa Reina, Kotoko in the movie is talking about FORTUNA Tokyo dress in the interview.

A video of Kobe Collection. Bisa Reina, Kotoko in the movie is talking about FORTUNA Tokyo dress in the interview.

Here is a video of Kobe Collection. Bisa Reina, Kotoko in the movie is talking about FORTUNA Tokyo dress in the interview at the end. The movie part 1 will be broadcasted on 11/25/2016 followed by part 2 which will be broadcasted at the beginning of 2017.

佐藤寛太&美沙玲奈、“神コレ”に映画「イタキス」キャストが集結!「神戸コレクション2016 A/W」 (youtube.com)


